The functionality described on this page is only available through ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform Teams.

Basic Asset Details

Is there a limitation on how many Assets I can add?

There is no overall storage limit for Assets. Each individual upload of Assets cannot exceed 50,000 items.

What kind of assets are supported?

Assets or hosts can be a URL, an IP address, or a CIDR range.

Can everyone in my team see all the Assets that were added to my environment?

Yes, all assets in your PDCP environment are shared across your team.

Assets and Scans

Can I exempt specific assets from a scan?

Building a new scan requires you to choose assets as part of the scan configuration, so yes, scans will apply to whatever assets you include in the scan.

Adding and Modifying Assets

What’s the difference between uploading Assets and using Asset Discovery?

Upload allows you to choose a list of individual assets to add via list or TXT file.

Asset Discovery allows you to designate a range or domain and any associated subdomains will be identified by PDCP and added as individual assets/hosts.

Can I edit existing Assets?

Yes! Assets that are added to PDCP can be renamed and deleted.